A.1 Jeopardy Template
[Back to Section 4.1 for suggested edits.]
[Back to Section 4.2 for full comments.]
If you move the cursor to the top-right corner of the gray area (code chunk), there is a copy button. Please copy and paste it into a blank TeX file.
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
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% Define the subject boxes, i.e., the first column
colback=gray!85, % Background color is 85 percent gray.
colframe=white, % The color of the box frame.
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arc=0pt, % Round the corners of the box. Zero means squared corners.
boxrule=.4pt, % The thickness of the box frame.
halign=center, % Center text horizontally.
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width=0.4\textwidth, % Box width is 40 percent of the text width.
height=0.12\textheight % Box height is 12 percent of the text height, i.e., 8 rows
% Define the prize boxes, i.e., rest of the columns
colupper=white, % Text color. (In a colorbox, by default, there are upper and lower parts.)
width=.2\textwidth, % 3 prize boxes plus 1 subject box occupy a full line.
height=0.12\textheight % 8 rows.
% Define the colorbox shared by the header and footer
sidebyside, % By default, divide a colorbox into left and right region
before=\vskip-.2ex, % Remove the top padding
after=0ex, % Set bottom padding to 0
center upper, % Left region text centerred. (Because of sidebyside, upper means left.)
center lower, % Right region text centerred. (Because of sidebyside, lower means right)
% Define the colorbox used by the question/answer content
\newarray\scores % Create a new array \scores
\readarray{scores}{100&200&400} % Load the prize values to \scores
% Shortcut to create one row at a time on the homepage
\end{SubjectBox}% <-- NEVER REMOVE THIS PERCENT SIGN! It allows the color boxes sit side by side.
\foreach \i in {1,2,3}{% <-- NEVER REMOVE THIS PERCENT SIGN! It allows the color boxes sit side by side.
\begin{ocg}{s#2-\i}{s#2-\i}{1} %{PDF label}{internal reference label}{visibility}
\end{PrizeBox}% <-- NEVER REMOVE THIS PERCENT SIGN! It allows the color boxes sit side by side.
% Shortcut to create header of a question page
#1 \tcblower #2
% Shortcut to create the footer of a question page
\hyperlink{question#1}{Question} \\ \hyperlink{answer#1}{Answer} \tcblower
\hideocg{#1}{Done!} \\ \hyperlink{home}{Home}
% Create a question page
\hypertarget<1>{question#1}{} % Make an anchor. Land here when the Question button is clicked.
\hypertarget<2>{answer#1}{} % Make an anchor. Land here when the Answer button is clicked.
\hypertarget{#1}{} % Make an anchor. Land here when the prize is clicked on the homepage.
\header{#2}{#3} % Make header.
#4 % Add question on part <1> and answer on part <2>.
\footer{#1} % Make footer.
\hypertarget{home}{} % set up the anchor for the Home button
\newrow{Trig Substitution}{2}
\newrow{Integration by Parts}{3}
\newrow{Improper Integrals}{4}
\newrow{Geometric Series}{6}
\newrow{Limit of Sequences}{7}
\newrow{Convergence of Series}{8}
{s1-1} % Question internal ID. Subject 1, question 1.
{u-Substitution} % Subject title
{100}{ % Prize of the question
\only<1>{ % Adding the question
In the integral $\int \frac{(\ln x)^2}{x}\, dx$ which term should be replaced as $u$?
\item $\ln x$
\item $1/x$
\only<2>{ % Adding the answer
$\ln x$
{s1-2} % Question internal ID. Subject 1, question 2.
{u-Substitution} % Subject title
{200}{ % Prize of the question
\only<1>{ % Adding the question
In the integral $\int \sin x\sqrt{1+\cos x}\, dx$, which substitution does NOT work?
\item $u=\sin x$
\item $u=\cos x$
\item $u=1+\cos x$
\only<2>{ % Adding the answer
$\sin x$
{s1-3} % Question internal ID. Subject 1, question 3.
{u-Substitution} % Subject title
{400}{ % Prize of the question
\only<1>{ % Adding the question
In the integral $\int \frac{x}{1+x^4}\, dx$, what should be replaced as $u$?
\only<2>{ % Adding the answer
$u = x^2$