4.1 Download and Edit Template

The template was downloaded and minimized from Nico Vecchio’s work on StackExchange. It is attached in Appendix A.1. Changes in the following lines are essential.

4.1.1 Design the Homepage (In the Macros)

If there are \(n\) subjects and \(m\) questions for each subject:

  • (Lines 18 & 32) The heights of SubjectBox and PrizeBox should be \(\frac 1 n\) \textwidth.
  • (Lines 17 & 31) Make sure (Width of SubjectBox) + (Width of all the PrizeBoxes in the same row) \(\le\) 1 \textwidth.
  • (Line 73) In the definition of the macro \newrow, where it says \foreach \i in {1, 2, 3}, change 3 to the value of \(m\).
  • (Line 66) Edit the prize scores. Above the macro \newrow, there is \readarray{scores}{100&200&400}. The default scores are 100, 200, and 400. There should be \(m\) prizes.

4.1.2 Edit the homepage (In the Document)

  • (Lines 113-120) Change the subject titles in each \newrow. Keep the sequential numbers.
  • (Lines 113-120) Add more rows or delete some rows.

4.1.3 Design the Question/Answer Pages (In the Macros)

  • (Lines 52 & 59) Make sure (Height of QuestionHeadFoot)\(\times\) 2 + (Height of TextArea) \(\le\) 1 \paperheight

4.1.4 Edit the Question/Answer Pages (In the Document)

  • (Lines 123-172) Edit the content.

The next section provides detailed explanations for all the macros. You may skip that section.