7.1 Syntax Comparison with LaTeX

For LaTeX users, switching to R Markdown is almost seamless.

  • R Markdown supports LaTeX math syntax. So, mathematical writing are pretty much the same as those in the LaTex.

    • Inline math: $\sqrt{x}$

    • Display format: $$f(x)=x^2$$ or \[ f(x)=x^2 \].

  • The only minor difference is that any math environment has to be placed inside math mode. For example,

a & b \\ c & d
  • Most LaTeX syntax works fine R Markdown. For example, if the LaTeX color package is loaded in R Markdown, then we can use \textcolor{red}{texts} to change the color of texts to red.

  • Of course, R Markdown has its own set of syntax as well (for non-LaTex users). The following table compares some common text syntax between LaTex and R Markdown.

Table 7.1: A quick comparison of LaTex and R Markdown.
Task LaTeX R Markdown
Bold {\bf xyz} **xyz**
Italic {\it xyz} *xyz*
Footnote a\footnote{b} a^[b]
Superscript a\textsuperscript{2} a^2^
Subscript a\textsubscript{2} a~2~
Text Backslash \textbackslash \\
Inline verbatim \verb|code| `code`
Hyperlink \href{url}{text} ![text](url)